Simina 19, 11000 Beograd, Srbija; // telefon:+381 11 30 32 125; faks:+381 11 263 43 48;


This toolkit is one of the outputs of the project “Community Care for the elderly” financially supported by the Social Transformation Programme (Matra) of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by Yanos Public Health Foundation and Avoord Zorg & Wonen Foundation from The Netherlands and the Red Cross of Serbia. The aim of the project was to contribute to establishing a sustainable care system providing responsive services to the elderly community in Serbia.

The toolkit is especially dedicated to the characteristics of the Day Care Centers in Pirot and Kragujevac. The lessons and experiences of the project in general and of the trainings and thematic sessions are presented in such a way that the information is easy accessible for other regions.

Authors: Natasa Todorovic, Red Cross of Serbia, Milutin Vracevic, Red Cross of Serbia, Daina Toleikyte, The Netherlands, Noelle Oostdam, The Netherlands, Natascha van Kats-Dernee, The Netherlands.