A delegation of older people visiting the Minister responsible for demographics and ageing
In the framework of marking this year’s, 28th in the row, International Day of Older Persons a delegation of older people, supported by the Red cross of Serbia has on 8 October 2018 visited the Minister without portfolio responsible for demographics and population policy, Prof Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic. This visit was a part of the traditional, global campaign “Age demands Action” wherein older people across the world visit decision-makers. The purpose of the visit is to have older people talk with the decision makers, present some of the problems older women and men in Serbia face and suggest solutions, as well as to present examples of good practice and contribution that older people make to the society. This campaign is organised in more than 60 countries across the world, coordinated by HelpAge International for 10 years already. This year the topic of the campaign is "We Are the Champions: Celebrating Human Rights of Older Persons”, as a reminder that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted 70 years ago and that it is essential to keep promoting full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and freedoms for older persons.
One of the delegation members was Ms. Miroslava Matic, older volunteer of the Red Cross of Serbia, Kragujevac branch who spoke of her participation at global event marking the International Day of Older Persons at the United Nations in New York. She talked about what older people suggest should be done to improve the quality of life of the older generation. Danica Smic , volunteer of the Red Cross of Serbia, Savski venac branch, suggested more active participation of the Republic of Serbia in the work of the Open-Ended Working Group of Ageing. Vasilije Belobrkovic of the Third Age Movement Serbia talked about the significance of the Olympiad of the Third Age with its health, sports and culture contents, and its example of good practice for the region and Europe. The Minister considered some of the suggestions made by older people excellent and that they can be presented at sessions of the Government’s Council on Intergenerational Solidarity and the Government’s Council on Ageing.
The visit was also a part of the “Ageing Equal” campaign. This is a global Age Platform Europe Network campaign starting on 1 October and going for 70 days – marking the 70th anniversary of adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – and it aims to combat ageism. As for the second week of the campaign the topic is ageism and gender equality, these were the issues discussed during the visit.