Publications Long-term care of older persons and persons with disabilities in the Western Balkans This study was developed as part of a three-year initiative in the Western Balkans region entitled “Strengthening the re… >> Access to long-term care services in Serbia The study “Access to long-term care services in Serbia” was created as part of the three-year project “Strengthening res… >> Older persons and mental health During the month of October 2022, Red Social Innovation issued a publication entitled “Older persons and mental health”.… >> Exploring violence against older women in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine With support provided by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Red Cross of Serbia worked with international e… >> On No Man’s Land – Gender based violence against older women (65+) in the Republic of Serbia “On No Man’s Land – Gender based violence against older women (65+) in the Republic of Serbia“ is a publication in the p… >> Mental health of informal caregivers "Mental health of informal caregivers" is a publication in which the results of the research implemented by the Red Cros… >> Time without time “Life in the age of Coronavirus: How did you spend your time in isolation?” is a collection of the best poetry and prose… >> SOCIAL Inclusion of Migrants : research of opinions towards migrations and recommendations on how to decrease discrimination A survey was conducted in the Republic of Serbia in order to gain insight into opinions of the population, but primarily… >> Remote Psychological First Aid during the COVID-19 outbreak The outbreak of COVID-19 has created concern and worry among the general population worldwide. Many will be anxious and… >> 1 2 3 4 >>