Ageing and Sustainable development Goals

HumanaS Network member, ISP Evergreen has for the third consecutive year continued with organising social events that aim to facilitate exchange of experience in the area of social protection but with a huge emphasis on ageing and older age. These events make it possible for members of all generations to learn something new but also provide opportunities to have a joint discussion on some important topics.
The latest meeting was organised in the Republic Institute for Social protection on 8 June 2019. The speakers at the event were Sanija Sagdati, sociologist, Zorana Stanojlovic, social worker and Natasa Todorovic, psychologist working in the Red Cross of Serbia and who spoke about “Ageing and Sustainable Development Goals”. The reason this topic was on the agenda is the voluntary country report on progress towards the Agenda 2030 goals that will be presented in the United Nations in July. The participants of the meeting could learn about the first five sustainable development goals viewed from the perspective of ageing and older age alongside with their subgoals. Along with the data, Ms. Todorovic’s presentation included recommendations and examples of good practice that could contribute to decreasing inequality and ageing with dignity. From the presentation the participants could learn from concrete examples based on real life older people, about the Goals being interconnected and that success in pursuing one Goal frequently lies in understanding the challenges related to another Goal. The participants could comment on the presentation right then and there but they were invited to also provide comments later after reviewing the materials they received. This is one meeting in a series that will be organised and that will include all generations and groups in reviewing the concept of ageing within the Sustainable Development framework, following the moto that no one is to be left behind.