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Conference "Digital Inclusion"


The final conference of the “Digital Inclusion” project was held on 22 September  2023 in the Town Hall in Pančevo. The conference presented the achievements of the “Digital Inclusion” project, which was implemented over the past ten months by the Association “Na Pola Puta” from Pančevo in cooperation with the Gerontological Centre Pančevo, so the conference also included the promotion of the manual of the same name intended for older persons and persons with intellectual disabilities.

Aleksandra Janić, project coordinator, Magdalena Sabo, project staff and Nataša Todorović from the Red Cross of Serbia, coordinator of the wider, regional project “Strengthening resilience of older persons and persons with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters", where “Digital inclusion” was a subgranted activity, spoke about the project achievements. The regional project is supported by the European Union, Austrian Development Agency and the Austrian Red Cross.

Milenko Čučković, a member of the City Council of the City of Pančevo in charge of social issues, was also present at the presentation of the project. He congratulated the participants on the successful completion of the project and suggested that, in cooperation with the City, this manual be distributed to other older persons in the territory of Pančevo in the coming period, as well as other persons to whom it could be useful.

The project was started in November last year and in the past ten months, one program and two publications have been created. One is a manual for acquiring skills for using the Internet for older persons and persons with intellectual disabilities, and the other is a manual for “Digital Inclusion” workshop leaders, which will make it easier for professionals to conduct workshops and prepare for work. An equal partner in the work was the Gerontological Centre Pancevo.

You can download both manuals in electronic form by scanning the following two QR codes: