Cyber-attack targets data of International Committee of the Red Cross

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva informed the Red Cross of Serbia that on January 18, 2022, a highly sophisticated cyber-attack took place against servers of the ICRC - the Central Tracing Agency in Switzerland.
About half a million personal data from at least 60 national Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world that use systems hosted on ICRC servers has been affected by this incident, including our national society.
The International Committee of the Red Cross takes this cyber-attack very seriously and is working with its humanitarian partners around the world to understand the scope of the attack and take appropriate data protection measures.
The Red Cross of Serbia does not have the information on the extent of the incident and whether personal data of our beneficiaries and their families have been affected, however all the activities have been taken in accordance with national legal regulations in such situations. In its work the Red Cross of Serbia applies the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data and it is ready to provide all the necessary assistance in mitigating the consequences of this unauthorized attack.
The ICRC news release of the cyber-attack can be viewed here.