Simina 19, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; // phone:+381 11 30 32 125; fax:+381 11 263 43 48;

Digital Inclusion of older persons – Focus Group Interviews


Within the framework of the project “Access to Digital Technologies”, implemented by the red Cross of Serbia in partnership with the Institute for Social Sciences, supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), two focus group interviews were organised. One was held at the premises of the Volunteer Service Zvezdara in Belgrade and the other at the premises of the Charitable Foundation of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Philanthropy in Kragujevac. The objectives of the focus group interviews were:

  • To identify which e-services older persons are familiar with
  • To establish which e-services they use, which they do not use and why
  • To identify the most frequent obstacles to use of these services
  • To provide recommendations for improved future use

These focus group interviews are a qualitative part of the quantitative research that was implemented in 39 municipalities in the Republic of Serbia.