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- education of educators on the topic - prevention of violence against older persons - in the kyrgyz red crescent
Education of educators on the topic “Prevention of violence against older persons” in the Kyrgyz Red Crescent
In Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, from July 10 to 11, 2023, an education for educators on the topic “Prevention of violence against older persons” was held. The training was held by professional associates of the Red Cross of Serbia, Nataša Todorović and Dr. Milutin Vračević. The training participants were employees and volunteers from the headquarters and local branches of the Kyrgyz Red Crescent, as well as social workers working in the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. 25 participants were present at the training.
The general goal of the training programme created by experts of the Red Cross of Serbia, Nataša Todorović and Dr. Milutin Vračević, is for professionals to acquire general and professional competencies relevant to recognizing violence against older women and men and to learn how to act appropriately in those cases. Specific goals of the training programme: 1) acquiring knowledge about theoretical definitions and practical skills related to the recognition of violence against older women and men, as well as about the appropriate legal framework and solutions that are the basis for dealing with cases in which there is a reasonable suspicion of violence; 2) acquiring knowledge about forms of violence, risk factors and protective factors, perpetrators as well as reporting procedures; 3) acquiring knowledge about the obstacles that prevent older women and men from reporting violence and potential problems in the reporting process.
This was a 16 hour training, with five modules and 11 thematic sessions. Module topics include: definitions and concepts of violence against older women; types and characteristics of violence against older women; risk factors and protective factors; perpetrators of abuse; application procedures.
The exchange of experiences within the National Societies of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent is extremely important for improving the position of vulnerable groups, in this case older women and men. Around the world, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an increase in the number of cases of violence against older persons, and the training of employees and volunteers and professionals in various institutions is of great importance in order to prevent violence and help victims.