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Intergenerational Debate at the Spring Health Festival


15th festival of Health will be organised this year on 5 and 6 April in the Belgrade Youth Centre. As in the previous years the Red Cross of Serbia will have a stand where it will promote its activities. In addition, the Red Cross of Serbia will be organising an intergenerational debate entitled “Serbia, Society for all generations” on 5 April between 11:30 and 12:30 in the small conference room on the first floor.

Six persons of different generations will take part in this debate and discuss intergenerational solidarity: Danica Smic, an older volunteer of the Red Cross of Serbia, Gradimir Zajic, retired sociologist, Marina Stojadinovic, journalist working in Radio Belgrade, Nikola Koruga, Society for Adult Education, PhD andragogy student, Milos Todorovic, anthropology student and Natasa Todorovic, psychologist working in the Red Cross of Serbia.

The participants will discuss the following issues: what does intergenerational solidarity mean for them and what kind of relationship they have with other generations; positive and negative sides of this relationship and how to improve it at all levels; what the government can do to improve it, what communities can do and what individuals can do.

The goal of the debate is to improve intergenerational solidarity through discussion. It is organised as part of the overall red Cross of Serbia activity in 2017 the year dedicated to intergenerational solidarity by the Government of Serbia.