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Participation of the Red Cross of Serbia at the side event of the fourteenth session of the United Nations Open Working Group on Ageing


Nataša Todorović, representative of the Red Cross of Serbia, will today, 22 May 2024, participate with a statement at the side event organized as part of the fourteenth session of the United Nations Open Ended Working Group on Ageing. This event, entitled “Violence, Abuse, Ageism – A major gap for Human Rights of older Persons” is jointly organized by the Permanent Mission of Austria to the UN and the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the UN and its purpose is to bring together top world experts who will talk about the most current topics related to prevention of violence against older persons. In her statement, Nataša Todorović will share her experiences related to research on violence against older women in the region of the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe, as well as proposals for improving public policies and improving the education of older women themselves, so that their access to guaranteed human rights is easier, and they themselves safer from violence.