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Partners meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


“Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People” (TASIOP)

On Sunday 18 June and Monday 19 June in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a partners meeting was organised for the organisations participating in the “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People” project. The meeting was organised by Association Osmijeh, the partner tasked with implementing the project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The TASIOP project is coordinated by the Red Cross of Serbia and it is implemented in five countries of the region with financial support provided by European Union, Austrian Development Agency and Austrian Red Cross. The meeting was an opportunity for the partners to discuss the achievements after a year and a half of implementation, as well as to talk about the plans for this and next year.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of organisations coordinating it at national level: Albanian Association of Geriatry and Gerontology, Association Osmijeh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Association Humanost, Macedonia and Macedonian Red Cross, Red Cross of Montenegro, project coordinators from the Red Cross of Serbia as well as the representative of the Austrian Red Cross that provides technical support in project coordination.

The partner representatives had short presentations on their work and achievements in the project so far, then a discussion was had about administrative topics such as timeframes and reporting and the meeting then focused on activities planned for the second year of the project. The partners discussed the topics of national research actions that they will organise to collect and prepare data for subsequent advocacy campaigns, as well as the challenges and opportunities related to local micro-projects to be supported in each of the partner countries by the end of the year.

The partners also discussed the monitoring and evaluation of their project activities and after it was finished, the participants of the meeting continued with the three day workshop on writing successful project proposals for European Union delivered by the Austrian Red Cross experts Charlotte Struempel and Michaela Pichler.