Prevention of violence against older women – Training of Trainers

On April 19 and 20, the Red Cross of Serbia organised a training of trainers on the topic "Prevention of violence against older women." Participants were the employees of local Red Cross branches or professional associates working in the social support programmes (where activities for older persons are positioned) or those working in the health sector, as well as branch secretaries and volunteers. A total of 32 participants from 17 Red Cross branches participated, who by trade are psychologists, social workers, andragogues and educators as well as one doctor who has experience in implementing various trainings.
The training of trainers module contained:
- Module 1 – Why violence against older women happens (demographic data and the phenomenon of violence against older women)
- Module 2 – Definition and types of violence
- Module 3 – Risk factors (including violence during COVID-19 crisis) and why older women do not report violence
- Module 4 – Legal framework and the way institutions respond
- Module 5 – Interview with an older woman survivor of violence
- Module 6 - How to organize a session or trainin
The training was interactive and enabled the trainees to actively participate and ask questions, but also to exchange experiences when it comes to the prevention of violence against older women. After the training, the participants will organize information sessions with older women and training with gerontocarers in their communities using presentations, leaflets and brochures made within the project, in order to prevent violence against older women and inform the public about this problem. The training was held by Natasa Todorovic, psychologist and Dr. Milutin Vracevic, medical doctor, expert associates of the Red Cross of Serbia, and also representatives of the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.
The training is part of the project "Empowering older women: Prevention of violence through changing social norms in Austria and Serbia” (EmPreV) supported by the European Union and the Austrian Development Agency