Prevention of violence targeting older women
In the framework of the project Empowerment of older women: preventing violence by challenging social norms in Serbia and Austria (EmPreV) and at the premises of the Savski Venac branch of the Red Cross of Serbia, a focus group interview was organised with older women. Its goal was to collect the information from older women about their perspective on this problem, how widespread it is, do they know of an example of this kind of violence in their surroundings.
Also, older women spoke about why violence tends to go unreported and who the most frequent perpetrators are. An important part of the focus group interview was a discussion about how the system and its different parts protect or fail to protect older women and what can be improved so that older women are protected. The conclusion was that certainly social inclusion in activities of the community can be a preventive factor and that loneliness and withdrawal from the community may lead to isolation and the risk of violence. The focus group interview involved 15 women over 65.