Public lesson in intergenerational solidarity

In the framework of the “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People” project, coordinated by the Red Cross of Serbia and financially supported by European Union, Austrian Development Agency and Austrian Red Cross, twelve microprojects have been implemented in Serbia. One of these small local projects entitled “Support to social inclusion of older people living in Novi Beograd” was implemented by Amity NGO, in partnership with the Centre for Care for Older People, Children and Persons with Disabilities “Novi Beograd” and the primary school “Laza Kostic”. A closing event for the project was organised on 21 September 2018.
The final event of the project included the exhibition of items made by older people and children working together. At these intergenerational workshops called “Meeting of the generations”, designed to bring together younger and older generations and to develop a model for transferring knowledge and skills, more than 90 persons took part, including students of the 3rd and 4th grade of the primary school “Laza Kostic”, young persons with disabilities and older persons from older households in Novi Beograd. During these workshops they learned new techniques of manufacturing decorative items, painting, painting Easter eggs, but also talked and exchanged experiences about the games children used to play in their time, about how children used to spend summer holidays back then and how they spend them now. Also they talked about where the older people of today used to travel to when they were younger and what they learned on their travels, what does travelling look like today; why it is important to study, why it is important to speak several foreign languages…

The Project also involved providing informational and advisory services related to social welfare, healthcare and family law to older people from Novi Beograd and their informal caregivers. 88 persons were assisted this way, either via telephone, or when they visited Amity offices or the offices of the Centre for Care for Older People, Children and Persons with Disabilities “Novi Beograd” or the offices of the sub-municipal administration “Dunavski kej” where these services were provided.
At the final event, where older people and children performed a programme, the audience consisted of the parents, younger persons with disabilities and neighbours, teachers from primary school “Laza Kostic”, the head of the Centre for Care for Older People, Children and Persons with Disabilities “Novi Beograd” as well as the Red Cross of Serbia representatives Natasa Todorovic and Dr Milutin Vracevic.
Natasa Todorovic of the Red Cross of Serbia highlighted that projects like this, taking place in the local community are important because life takes place in our street, in our neighbourhood, there where we live and where we can support those who need support but also ask for support when we need it.