- news
- the fourth issue of the newsletter of the taking action on social inclusion of older people regional project
The fourth issue of the Newsletter of the Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People regional project

The TASIOP project is coordinated by the Red Cross of Serbia and implemented in five Western Balkans countries by national partners (Albanian Association of Gerontology and Geriatry, Osmijeh NGO in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonian Red Cross and Humanity NGO in Macedonia and Red Cross of Montenegro), with support provided by European Union, Austrian Red Cross and Austrian Development Agency. This issue wraps up the activities and achievements of the project in its first year, while also providing information on essential tools available for professionals working in the field of ageing and with older women and men.
The second year of the project will focus on working with grassroots organisations of older people at community level, building their capacity to act locally and engage in public advocacy, helping the to achieve social inclusion and participation of older citizens.