Visit to Volunteer Service Zvezdara
As part of the peer exchange visit by Red Cross of Montenegro and Dignitas Network representatives from Montenegro as well as Red Cross of Macedonia, Association Humanity and InkluzivaM Network from Macedoni, on 21 December 2017 a visit to Volunteer Service Zvezdara – friend of HumanaS Network – was organised. This visit is a part of the regular activities of the Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People project, funded by European Union, Austrian Development Agency and Austrian Red Cross.
The purpose of the visit was to exchange experience and highlight the examples of good practice that could, with certain adjustments, be implemented also in Montenegro and Macedonia. The visiting partners had the opportunity to hear about how the volunteer work is organised, how the volunteer training and supervision are conducted, as well as about the activities implemented by volunteers of the Service. One oof the important activities performed by the Service are home visits to people with mobility issues as well as organising creative workshops, computer courses and art and crafts workshops for more active beneficiaries. The visiting partners also got an overview on how the HumanaS network works and how partnerships can be forged within the network itself.