Simina 19, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; // phone:+381 11 30 32 125; fax:+381 11 263 43 48;

Preventive Health Activities

According to the Law on the Red Cross, the national society of the Red Cross of Serbia has in accordance with the objectives of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement been given the role of working with health institutions on promoting health, improving health of individualpopulation groups and preventing diseases of higher socio-economic importance. The main goal of the Red Cross of Serbia within the area of public health is to raise awareness in the population on the importance of exercising healthy life styles and prevention of chronic non communicative diseases as well as addiction with a special focus on vulnerable groups (younger, older and socially vulnerable).

Objectives of the Red Cross of Serbia in this area of work are:

  1. Changing behaviour of the broadest public and adoption of higher standards of hygiene, reproductive health and healthy living practices
  2. Contributing to reduced tuberculosis incidence through education and active seeking of persons with tuberculosis in Serbia and providing support in treatment
  3. Reducing the suffering of palliative patients and providing support for families of palliative patients
  4. Raising awareness of the public, especially younger people on the dangers of abusing psychoactive substances

The Red Cross, as the largest humanitarian organization in the country, performs its tasks by employing human resources, young volunteers. Their role is the transfer of knowledge to their peers regarding healthy lifestyles, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, STDs, healthy nutrition, diseases preventable by hygiene, smoking, addictions… They act as educators or promotors of a specific skill by using interactive methods, peer discussion groups, as well as the education of parents and teachers. This advances positive attitude and opens the possibility for discussion within the family and the local community.

The Red Cross of Serbia is the main sponsor of activities or a partner to other organizations for attaining these goals through the implementation of continuous education, campaigns and marking worldwide days dedicated to health. These activities take place on a local and town level, or on the level of the entire Republic. 

Health calendar

January 31st    National No Tobacco Day

March 24th       World Tuberculosis Day

April 7th            World Health Day

May 31st           World No Tobacco Day

June 26th        International Day Against Drug Abuse

September 26th    World Heart Day

November         Month Against Addiction

December 1st    World HIV and AIDS Day