HumanaS network
The Red Cross of Serbia is a founding member as well as the coordinator of a network of 15 civil society organisations and associations focusing on issues of ageing and older people.
The network is called HumanaS and is primarily focusing on advocacy on behalf and with older people and supporting the public sector in creating more modern and efficient policies. HumanaS initiatives rely on vast collective, individual and international experience of the network members. Sensitising the public on issues of discrimination of older people has become a continuing activity of the network.
The network has 15 members – civil society organisations and associations – five of which have headquarters and branches in different cities in Serbia, thus covering the whole of the territory. The members are: The Red Cross of Serbia, Gerontological Society of Serbia, Caritas, Amity, Viktorija Lastavica, Kolo srpskih sestara, Charity Foundation of the Serbian orthodox Church – Čovekoljublje, Society for Care for Older People, National Foundation for Ageing with Dignity, Pensioners Association of Serbia, University for Third Age, Christian Humanitarian Association Bread of Life, Moka, Rosa, and Okrilje. In the past five years the network has regularly organised public information campaigns and marked the 15 June, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. During the same period several researches have been conducted focusing on discrimination of older people and their reports have served to provide recommendations to decision makers on how to eliminate discrimination. The website of the network is at: