Festival of children's theater

The Festival of children's theater, which for the fourth time organized by the Red Cross of Serbia is opening today. This festival is organized in the framework of the program "Promotion of human values", which aims to reduce violence among young people. The Red Cross of Serbia will bring together 300elementary school students of the third, fourth and fifth grade from 26 communities in Serbia. Festival will be held from 5 to 7 April 2017 in Belgrade, "Theater 78" (Resavska number 78).
Children , participants of the festival, will perform theater for a period of 15 minutes, but the themes are in line with the idea of the program "Promotion of human values": The development of tolerance and non-violent communication, respect for diversity, prevention of discrimination and stigmatization, gender equality, children's rights, prevention of violence in the electronic media and others. In designing themed theater participated educated young Red Cross volunteers, teachers and Red Cross organizations in cities and municipalities. The Festival of children's theater is financially supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). In organizing this great event involved and educated young volunteers of the Red Cross in Belgrade.
Upon completion of the Festival this year, as well as previous, Red Cross will organize a theater performance in primary schools in their municipality or city. Further embodiments of the theater is planned to peer education in the context of prevention of bullying include more than 12,000 students from 26 communities in Serbia.
Considering the prevalence of bullying problems in this aspect, the Red Cross of Serbia pays great attention to expansion of the program "Promotion of human values." Currently, this program comprises 72 organizations of the Red Cross in Serbia, and the funds for its implementation were of public stamp of the Red Cross Week from 8 to 15 May as well as under the Law on Red Cross of Serbia (Article 15 of this Act).