Simina 19, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; // phone:+381 11 30 32 125; fax:+381 11 263 43 48;

Flaširana voda za piće

No.: F1/18 04/04/2018
Procedure Type:
Subject: dobra



Crveni krst Srbije pozvao je ponuđače da podnesu pisane ponude u skladu sa ovim pozivom, za nabavku saglasno članu 7. stav 1. tačka 2a Zakona o javnim nabavkama.


Ovaj Poziv za podnošenje ponuda biće poslat direktno ponuđačima iz Registra dobavljača Crvenog krsta Srbije, kao i potencijalnim ponuđačima koji se bave proizvodnjom i prodajom traženih dobara. Poziv za podnošenje ponuda biće objavljen na sajtu Crvenog krsta Srbije.


            Posebno napominjemo da nije u pitanju javna nabavka u smislu Zakona o javnim nabavkama


  1. I. Call for tenders

Red Cross of Serbia has invited bidders to submit their written offers in accordance with this request for quotation, in accordance with Article 7, paragraph 1, point 2a of the Law on Public Procurement.

This Request for quotation will be sent directly to the bidders from the Red Cross Supplier Register, as well as potential bidders involved in the production and sale of requested goods. The call for bids will be published on the Red Cross website of Serbia.

            We emphasize that this procurement is not concerned public procurement within the meaning of the Law on Public Procurement.


IZVOR SREDSTAVA: donacija ECHO Konzorcijumu za humanitarnu pomoć u hrani za izbeglice i migrante smeštene u prihvatnim centrima u Srbiji.

Šifra projekta:  ECHO/-EN/BUD/2017/91005


SOURCE OF FUNDS: ECHO donation to the Consortium for Humanitarian Food Aid for refugees and migrants located in reception centers in Serbia.

The code of the project: ECHO/-EN/BUD/2017/91005




Predmet nabavke su dobra: flaširana negazirana voda za piće u plastičnim jednokratnim bocama od 0,5 lit za potrebe pružanja pomoći izbeglicama i migrantima smeštenim u prihvatnim centrima u Kikindi, Pirotu i Suborici


Ova javna nabavka nije oblikovana u posebne partije.



The subject of procurement are goods: non-carbonated drinking water in plastic disposable bottles of 0.5 liters for the purpose of providing help to refugees and migrants in reception centers in Pirot, Kikinda and Subotica

This procurement is not formed into separate lots.






Opis predmeta nabavke

Item description

Flaširana voda za piće  - negazirana

bottled drinking water  non-carbonated



Plastična boca za jednokratnu upotrebu 0,5 lit

Plastic disposable bottle 0,5 lit



133.770 flašica

133.770 bottles

Rok trajanja

Shelf life

najmanje 6 meseci od trenutka isporuke

at least 6 months from the moment of delivery

Deklarisanje, označavanje i kvalitet

Declaration, labeling and quality

Mora zadovoljavati propisane uslove u skladu sa Pravilnikom o kvalitetu i drugim zahtevima za prirodnu mineralnu vodu, prirodnu izvorsku vodu i stonu vodu. (“Sl. list SCG” br. 53/05, “Sl. glasnik RS” br. 43/13 )

It must meet the prescribed conditions in accordance with the Rulebook on Quality and Other Requirements for Natural Mineral Water, Natural Source Water and Table Water. ("Official Gazette of SCG" No. 53/05, "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No. 43/13)

Izveštaji o laboratorijskim ispitivanjima i zdravstvena ispravnost

Reports on laboratory tests and health safety

Obavezno priložiti uz ponudu izveštaje o ispitivanjima ovlašćene laboratorije o ispunjenosti propisanih i zahtevanih uslova za kvalitet i uslova za zdravstvenu bezbednost vode za piće u skladu sa pozitivnim propisima Republike Srbije.

It is obligatory to enclose with the offer, the reports on the testing of the authorized laboratory on the fulfillment of the prescribed and required conditions for quality and conditions for the health safety of drinking water in accordance with the positive regulations of the Republic of Serbia.



Obavezno priložiti 2 uzorka uz ponudu – uzorci se ne vraćaju. Rok trajanja utisnut na uzorku nije od važnosti, ali rok trajanja na isporučenim artiklima ne sme biti kraći od 6 meseci računajući od dana isporuke.

Make sure to attach 2 samples to the offer - the samples will not be returned.

The shelf life on the sample is not relevant, but the shelf life of the delivered items cannot be shorter than 6 months from the date of delivery.



Roba se isporučuje u roku od najviše 7 dana od dana zaključenja ugovora.

Roba se isporučuje franko u magacin Crvenog krsta Srbije u Mladenovcu, ul. Braće Badžak br. 1.

The goods must be delivered in full no later than 7 days from the day of conclusion of this contract

Delivery is DAP in the warehouse of the Red Cross of Serbia in Mladenovac, Braće Badžak street 1.



Ponuđači su u obavezi da ponude celokupnu traženu količinu. 

Naručilac može da donese odluku da se nabavka izvrši od više ponuđača samo ukoliko nijedan ponuđač nema mogućnosti da isporuči u ostavljenom roku celokupnu traženu količinu.

Bidders must offer the entire requested quantity. The contracting authority may decide to carry out the procurement from more than one bidder  if no bidder is able to deliver entire requested quantuty within the given deadline.


Naručilac može da donese odluku o obustavi postupka nabavke u svakom trenutku pre zaključenja ugovora, ukoliko u međuvremenu prestane potreba za nabavkom. Postupak se može obustaviti i ako se dobije manje od 3 ponude, ako se dobra ne mogu isporučiti u traženom roku ili ako donator ne da saglasnost na izbor ponuđača. Donator može tražiti preinačenje odluke o dodeli ugovora.

A Purchaser may decide to terminate the procurement procedure at any time prior to the conclusion of the contract, if in the meantime the need for procurement is terminated. The procurement can be suspended even if less than 3 offers are received, if the goods can not be delivered within the deadline or if the donor does not approve the tenderer's choice. The donor may request a revision of the award decision.


Odluka o dodeli ugovora ne obavezuje naručioca da zaključi ugovor sa izabranim ponuđačem. Prava i obaveze između naručioca i izabranog ponuđača nastaju zaključenjem ugovora o kupoprodaji, kada donator da saglasnost na Odluku naručioca o dodeli ugovora.

The decision on awarding a contract does not oblige the contracting authority to conclude a contract with the selected bidder. The rights and obligations between the contracting authority and the selected bidder arise from the conclusion of the contract of sale, when the donor agrees to the decision of the contracting authority to award the contract.


Kriterijum za ocenjivanje ponuda jeste najniža ponuđena cena uz korekcije iz prethodnog stava.

Criteria for evaluation of bids is the lowest price offered with the correction in the previous paragraph




Dokumentacija – poziv biće neposredno putem e-mail-a dostavljena potencijalnim ponuđačima koji po proceni komisije mogu kvalitetno, blagovremeno i odgovorno da obave isporuku dobara koja se nabavljaju. Poziv će biti objavljen i na sajtu naručioca.


Ponuđač ponudu podnosi u zatvorenoj koverti, tako da se pri njenom otvaranju može proveriti da li je koverta onakva kakva je predata.

Ponuda se podnosi sa svim potrebnim prilozima, u zatvorenoj kvalitetnoj koverti koja se ne može razlepiti ili pocepati redovnim transportom, na adresu Naručioca, sa naznakom: „Ponuda za nabavku dobara –   flaširane vode za piće  F 1/18 NE OTVARATI. Na poleđini koverte mora biti čitko ispisan tačan naziv, adresa i kontakt telefon Ponuđača i elektronska adresa.        

Ponuda se smatra blagovremenom ako stigne Naručiocu najkasnije do 12.4.2018. godine do 11,00 časova.

Samo blagovremeno prispele, potpune i zapečećene ponude u kovertama biće predmet razmatranja.

Ponuđač mora podneti ponudu za celokupnu nabavki – ukupnu traženu količinu. 

Data ponuda se ne može povući po isteku roka za dostavljanje ponuda, a ukoliko se to dogodi od ponuđača će se zatražiti sudskim putem naknada štete, a taj ponuđač neće moći da učestvuje na nabavkama Crvenog krsta Srbije narednih 5 godina.

Ponuda se priprema u skladu sa ovim pozivom.

* NAPOMENA: Ukoliko ponuđač podnosi ponudu putem pošte, bez obzira da li je poslao ponudu običnom, preporučenom pošiljkom ili putem brze pošte, relevantna je jedino činjenica kada je naručilac ponudu primio, odnosno da li je ponuđač primio ponudu pre isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda (tada se ponuda smatra blagovremenom), te nije relevantan momenat kada je ponuđač poslao ponudu.

Download of Request for quotation

Documentation – the Request for quotation will be sent via e-mail directly to potential bidders which could, by discretion of the commision, carry out the delivery of goods  timely and responsible . The call will be published on the website of the buyer

The bidds are submitted in a sealed envelope, so that in its opening can be verified whether the envelope is as it was delivered.

Bids are submitted with all required attachments, in a sealed envelope, a quality that can not be peel off by regular transport to the address of the Contracting Authority, stating: «Offer for the procurement of drinking water F 1/18 Do not open». On the back of the envelope should be clearly printed full name, address and contact telephone number and email address of the Bidder.

The offer is considered timely if it gets to the Contracting Authority no later than 12.4.2018. until 11:00 hours.

Only timely received, complete and sealed bids in envelopes will be considered.

The bidder shall submit a bid for the entire procurement - total requested quantity.

Data offer can not be withdrawn after the deadline for submission of bids, and if that happens by the Bidder shall be requested through the courts compensation for damages, and the supplier will not be able to participate in the procurement of the Red Cross of Serbia next 5 years.

Offer is prepared in accordance with this call.


* NOTE: If a bidder submits an offer by mail, regardless of whether an offer regular, registered mail or by express mail, the only relevant fact is when the Purchaser received the offer, or whether the supplier has received an offer before the deadline for submission of tenders ( then the offer is considered timely), and is not relevant to the moment when the bidder submitted a offer.



Otvaranje ponuda obaviće Komisija za nabavku u prostorijama Naručioca u Beogradu, ul. Simina broj 19 u Sali u prizemlju dana 12.4.2018. godine sa početkom u 11,05 časova. 


will be done by the Procurement Commission in premises of buyer in Belgrade, ul. Simina number 19 in the conference room on the ground floor on 12.4.2018. at 11,05 hours.


Odluka o izboru najpovoljnije ponude biće doneta u roku od 3 dana kada se obavi javno otvaranje, osim ako ne bude potrebe za nekim naknadnim proverama i ista će se dostaviti Donatoru na saglasnost. Za konačnu odluku i potpisivanje ugovora poštovaće se volja Donatora.


TIME IN WHICH THE PURCHASER will bring the decision on the best bid

The decision on the best bid will be made within 3 days from the day of opening the bids, unless there is a need for some subsequent checks and it will be submitted for approval to the donor.

For the final decision and the signing of contracts the will of the donor will  be respected, and only after obtaining the consent of the donors  a contract with the best bidder will be concluded.   



Kontakt osobe za ovu  nabavku su Mirko Vasiljević i Nikola Radovanović , tel. 011/3032-125, lokali, 123 i 118, E-mail: ;  


Contact person for this procurement are Mirko Vasiljević and Nikola Radovanović , tel. 011/3032-125, ext., 123 and 118, E-mail: ;




Ponuđač mora biti registrovan kod nadležnog državnog organa i imati dozvolu da može obavljati delatnost koja je predmet ove nabavke. Dokument se dostavlja u fotokopiji i mora biti važeći nezavisno od toga kada je izdat. Ukoliko je ponuđač registrovan u Registru ponuđača, ili ako se pozove na internet stranicu gde se navedena potvrda nalazi, istu ne mora da dostavlja.


The tenderer must fulfill the condition to be registered with the state and that it can perform the activity that is the subject of this procurement. The document is submitted in the photocopy and must be valid regardless of when it was issued. If the bidder is registered in the Register of bidders, or if he rely on web page address where confirmation is provided, the same need not to be submitted.



Ponuda mora biti sačinjena na srpskom jeziku, opciono na engleskom jeziku.


The offer shall be made in Serbian and optionally  in English.


Rok u kome će izabrani ponuđač biti  pozvan da zaključi ugovor

Po okonačanju postupka, posle dobijene saglasnosti od starne Donatora, na poziv naručioca, ponuđač čija je ponuda izabrana kao najpovoljnija je dužan da pristupi zaključenju ugovora najkasnije u roku od 2 dana od primljenog poziva. Rok za isporuku dobara počinje teći od dana zaključenja ugovora.

Ako ponuđač čija je ponuda izabrana kao najpovoljnija odbije da zaključi ugovor o  nabavci u navedenom roku ili odustane u celosti ili delimično od izvršenja ugovora, naručilac može da zaključi ugovor sa prvim sledećim najpovoljnijim ponuđačem ili dobro koje se nabavlja kupi od drugog dobavljača, uz naknadu štete za razliku u ceni.

Period in which the selected bidder will be invited to conclude a contract

After concluded procedure of receiving the Donor consent, at the invitation of the buyer, supplier whose bid was selected as the most favorable is obliged to undertake to the conclusion of the contract no later than 2 days from the received call.. The deadline for the delivery of goods starts from the date of conclusion of the contract

If the bidder whose bid was selected as the most affordable refuses to conclude the procurement contract within a specified period or waived in whole or in part on the performance of the contract, the contracting authority may conclude a contract with the second best bidder, or  buy goods from another supplier, with compensation for the difference in price.


Dodatne informacije i objašnjenja u vezi sa pripremanjem ponude

Zainteresovana lica mogu tražiti u pisanom obliku dodatne informacije ili pojašnjenja u vezi sa pripremanjem ponude najkasnije jedan dan  pre isteka roka za podnošenje ponuda.

Additional information and explanations relating to the preparation of the bid

Interested parties may request in writing additional information or clarification regarding bid preparation no later than the day before the deadline for submission of bids.


Dodatna objašnjenja od ponuđača

Naručilac može da zahteva od ponuđača dodatna objašnjenja koja će mu pomoći pri pregledu, vrednovanju i upoređivanju ponuda, a može da vrši i kontrolu (uvid) kod ponuđača.

Further explanation of the bidders

The Purchaser may require additional explanations from tenderers that will help him in the review, evaluation and comparison of bids, and can also perform control (inspection) of the bidder.


Odustajanje od zaključenja ugovora

Naručilac može da odustane od zaključenja ugovora o nabavci iz bilo kog razloga, ukoliko za to ima opravdanja, iz  objektivnih i nepredvidljivih razloga

Withdrawal from the contract

The Purchaser may withdraw from the conclusion of the procurement contract for any reason, if this is justified for objective and unpredictable reasons





Cena mora biti izražena jedinično i zbirno bez PDV-a u dinarima.

Ova nabavka je oslobođena PDV-a na osnovu međunarodnog ugovora o donaciji.

Izabrani dobavljač je dužan da po zaključivanju ugovora, pre isporuke robe naručiocu izda profakturu u kojoj će biti navedena ukupna cena sa i bez PDV-a.

Postupak oslobađanja od PDV-a sprovešće naručilac kod nadležne Poreske uprave.



The price must be expressed by unit and collectively without VAT in dinars.

This procurement is exempt from VAT on the basis of an international donation contract.

After the conclusion of the contract, the selected supplier is obliged to issue an invoice before the delivery of the goods to the contracting authority indicating the total price with and without VAT.

The procedure for VAT exemption will be executed by the contracting authority with the competent Tax Administration.


Uslovi plaćanja

Naručena roba se neće avansno plaćati, već najranije u roku od 7 dana nakon isporuke celokupne isporučene oličine, a na osnovu ispravne otpremnice i na osnovu ispostavljene originalne fakture koju će dobavljač izdati bez PDV-a, nakon što naručilac sprovede postupak poreskog oslobođenja.


Terms of payment

The ordered goods are not to be paid in advance, but no earlier than 7 days after the deliveryof goods ,based on the correct delivery note and on the basis of the original invoice issued by the supplier without VAT, after the purchaser finishes  the tax exemption procedure.


Isporuka predmetnih dobara

Ugovorena dobra se moraju isporučiti najkasnije u roku od 7 dana od dana zaključenja ugovora.

Delivery of goods subject

The contracted goods must be delivered in full no later than 7 days from the conclusion of the contract


Mesto isporuke

Roba se isporučuje magacin Crvenog krsta Srbije u Mladenovcu.

Place of Delivery

Goods are delivered Red Cross warehouse in Mladenovac Serbia.



U slučaju zapisnički utvrđenih nedostataka u kvalitetu i kvantitetu isporučenih dobara i očiglednih nedostataka prilikom isporuke robe u magacin,  ponuđač mora zameniti dobra na kojima je utvrđen nedostatak najkasnije u roku od 3 dana.



In the case of identified deficiencies in the quality and quantity of goods delivered and obvious shortcomings in the delivery of goods, the supplier shall replace those goods within 3 days maximum.


Ponuda sa varijantama

Dozvoljeno je ponuditi dva ili više različitih proizvoda koji ispunjavaju sve tražene uslove ali samo ako se nude po istoj ceni. Ponuđač u ovom slučaju mora dostaviti uzorak za svaki artikal koji nudi. U takvom slučaju dobavljač može deo robe isporučiti po jednom a deo po drugom uzorku.

Nije dozvoljeno nuditi više artikala sa različitim cenama.


Variant tender

It is permitted to offer two or more different products that meet all the required conditions, but only if they are offered at the same price. In this case, the Bidder must submit a sample for each item offered. In such a case, the supplier may deliver part of the goods according to the one sample and the other part according to the other sample. It is not allowed to offer more items with different prices.


Odluka o dodeli ugovora

doneće se na osnovu najniže ponuđene cene. Na odluku saglasnost daje Donator, bez koje se ugovor ne može zaključiti.

Ova odluka ne predstavlja obavezu naručioca da zaključi ugovor sa izabranim ponuđačem, niti stvara prava i obaveze između naručioca i ponuđača u pogledu predmeta nabavke.

Prava i obaveze nastaju zaključenjem ugovora između naručioca i izabranog ponuđača, a ugovor će biti zaključen pod uslovom da donator da saglasnost na ovu odluku naručioca.


The decision on best offer will be made on the basis of the best price offered. The contract can not be concluded without the consent of the donor.

This decision does not represent the obligation of the contracting authority to conclude a contract with the selected bidder, nor creates rights and obligations between the contracting authority and the tenderer in relation to the subject of procurement.

Rights and obligations arise from the conclusion of a contract between the contracting authority and the selected tenderer, and the contract will be concluded on condition that the donor agrees to this decision of the contracting authority.