Specific goals of the program are:
- Increase tolerance among children and the youth of Serbia through enhancing communication skills and peaceful conflict resolution, and the encouragement of consideration for cultural and ethnical differences through developing a positive educational environment based on humanitarian values
- Secure enough competent young volunteers for the needs of the Red Cross in Serbia, to ensure that the needs of citizens facing social, health and economic challenges are met by the programs, projects and endeavors
- Secure the continuous regeneration of volunteer resources and the expansion of the Red Cross membership in Serbia, to ensure continuity in work and the recruitment of volunteer resources in situations that require intensive engagement of the organization
Od ukupnog broja volontera Crvenog krsta više od 60% čine mladi volonteri uzrasta do 30 godina
Pravilnikom o organizovanju i delovanju mladih u Crvenom krstu Srbije regulisan je način organizovanja, oblici delovanja mladih i njihovo članstvo u Crvenom krstu, njihova prava i obaveze i obaveze organizacije Crvenog krsta prema njima. Upoznavanje mladih volontera sa sadržajem pravilnika i primena standarda koji su u njemu definisani od značaja su za harmonizaciju i usmeravanje volonterskog rada čime se postiže maksimalan efekat za pojedince i zajednicu.
Mladi volonteri se obučavaju u Crvenom krstu, kako bi na adekvatan i kvalitetan način kanalisali svoja humana osećanja i energiju ka konkretnoj akciji u smislu pružanja pomoći ugroženim građanima, organizacijom i realizacijom različitih programa, projekata i poduhvata od značaja za građane Republike Srbije. Sistem obuke mladih volontera u Crvenom krstu Srbije podrazumeva stepenovanu edukaciju mladih volontera koja obezbeđuje delotvornu realizaciju programa, projekata i poduhvata koje sprovodi Crveni krst, a koji su u skladu sa potrebama društvene zajednice i građana koji su ugroženi, kao i odgovarajući kvalitet realizovanih aktivnosti Crvenog krsta, inoviranjem postojećih i osmišljavanjem novih aktivnosti koje su u skladu sa potrebama mladih.

Education and the involvement of children and youth through different areas of the work of the Red Cross enhances the quality of their lives, growing up, development and maturing. In that way a volunteer basis for all programs, projects and endeavors aimed at children and youth is formed, and later on towards older generations and all endangered categories, depending on the volunteers’ interests.

Running against AIDS
Mihailo Rakonjac
Volunteer of the Red Cross of Ivanjica
First place in the photography competition of the Mediterranean Centre for Cooperation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, 2011
The strengthening of the Red Cross organisation by continuously working on making the human resources younger, and by promoting friendship, solidarity, understanding and respect for differences relies on the School for the Red Cross Youth, as well as various programs for young volunteers.
The Red Cross of Serbia, as part of the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, collaborates with other National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. In that way, young volunteers sometimes get a chance to take part in international events within the Movement, such as conferences, trainings, workshops and international youth camps. This is a very important opportunity to exchange work experiences internationally, as well as to gain support of partner National societies of the Red Cross.