TASIOP project Evaluation
The red Cross of Serbia is asking for bids for evaluation services for the project Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People, in line with the Terms of Reference provided for download below.
Interested candidates should send their bid by Monday 27 May 2019 17:00 using the following e-mail address: milutin@redcross.org.rs with the subject “TASIOP project Evaluation” and it should contain the following documents in English:
- Description of the evaluation process (objectives, methodology, activities)
- Proposed evaluation budget
- Biography of the evaluator
- TASIOP Final Evaluation Tor RCS FINAL (PDF - 404.6 KB)
- Annex 1 Mid Term Evaluation Report (RAR - 8388.1 KB)
- Annex 2 Logframe TASIOP (PDF - 247.2 KB)
- Annex 2 Taking Action On Social Inclusion Of Older People EXTENDED (PDF - 1676.9 KB)
- Annex 3 TASIOP Inception Report (PDF - 900.5 KB)
- Annex 4 First Interim Narrative Report TASIOP (PDF - 990.4 KB)
- Annex 4 Second Interim Report Narrative TASIOP (PDF - 1654.4 KB)
- Annex 5 TASIOP List Of Csos In National Networks (PDF - 395.1 KB)
- Annex 6 Autrc Evaluation Guideline (PDF - 595.5 KB)
- TASIOP MTE Report Final (PDF - 5022.6 KB)
- Annex 1 TASIOP MTE Tor Midterm Evaluation (PDF - 1661.9 KB)
- Annex 2 TASIOP MTE Network Questionnaire (PDF - 469.1 KB)
- Annex 3 TASIOP MTE Agenda Feedback WS Belgrade 13 14 Nov 2017 (PDF - 534.7 KB)
- Annex 4 TASIOP MTE Guidelines Focus Group (PDF - 386.6 KB)
- Annex 5 TASIOP Inception Report Situation Analysis July 2016 (PDF - 834.5 KB)
- Annex 6 TASIOP List Of Csos In National Networks (PDF - 332.7 KB)
- Annex 7 Autrc Evaluation Guideline (PDF - 595.5 KB)