Workshops in Kragujevac: human rights and citizens activism of older people

Between 2 and 4 October in Kragujevac three education workshops were organised for older people, focusing on human rights and citizens’ activism. These workshops were organised in line with the plan of action in the “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People project”, coordinated in five countries of the region by the Red Cross of Serbia and supported by the European Union, Austrian Development Agency and Austrian Red Cross.
More than 150 older women and men from Kragujevac and nearby villages learned about their fundamental rights and how to exercise them. Protector of Citizens, Protector of Patients and a medical doctor also participated in these workshops and answered the questions from their areas of work.

Older people showed great interest in learning how to access their rights related to healthcare and social welfare but also to other areas. Positive examples of older people exercising their rights were also presented at the workshops and they are traditionally the strongest motivational factor.
Workshops of this type are important not only information-wise, but also because they are informal learning and motivate older people to achieve greater social inclusion.