News 17/05/2017 AKTIVNOSTI CRVENOG KRSTA KOSOVA I METOHIJE >> 17/05/2017 KONFERENCIJA U NAGASAKIJU ”Nikada više, Nagasaki mora da bude poslednje mesto na kome je upotrebljeno nuklearno oružje”. >> 15/05/2017 REZULTAT SUMIRANJA ISKUSTVA Sumirano je znanje i iskustvo o sprovođenju radionica sa najranjivijim ciljnim grupama i na osnovu toga kreiran je dodatni edukativni i dida… >> 05/05/2017 Svetski dan Crvenog krsta Crveni krst Srbije obeležava 8. maj – Svetski Dan Crvenog krsta. >> 05/05/2017 POMOĆ MIGRANTIMA Migrantima obezbeđena tri topla obroka dnevno. >> 03/05/2017 Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support in Complex Emergencies Starting in April this year the Red Cross of Serbia has started with implementation of a new project: Psychological First Aid and Psychosoci… >> 24/04/2017 SIM TIM obuka U odmaralištu Crvenog krsta u Mitrovom Polju u periodu od 21. do 23. aprila 2017. godine organizovana je obuka za mlade volontere u davalašt… >> 19/04/2017 The fourth issue of the Newsletter of the Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People regional project The fourth issue of the Newsletter of the Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People regional project >> 13/04/2017 Toolkit for community – based home care for staff and volunteers Toolkit for community – based home care for staff and volunteers. >> 11/04/2017 The Red Cross of Serbia marked the World health Day, 7 April with a conference entitled “Depression: let’s talk” The conference “Depression: let’s talk” was the Red Cross of Serbia’s main activity related to the World Health Day 2017. >> 06/04/2017 World Health Day This year’s topic of the World Health Day is depression and the slogan for the year is “Depression: let’s talk”. >> 06/04/2017 Intergenerational debate at the Spring Health Festival in Belgrade On 5 April the Red Cross of Serbia organised an intergenerational debate in the Belgrade Youth Centre, as part of the Spring Health Festival… >> 04/04/2017 Intergenerational Debate at the Spring Health Festival In addition, the Red Cross of Serbia will be organising an intergenerational debate entitled “Serbia, Society for all generations” on 5 Apri… >> 04/04/2017 Festival of children's theater The Festival of children's theater, which for the fourth time organized by the Red Cross of Serbia is opening today. >> 30/03/2017 Jačanje lokalne zajednice – prevencija – priprema za nesreće Crveni krst Srbije organizuje takmičenje 300 učenika trećeg razreda u 10 sredina u Srbiji od 29. marta do 9. aprila 2017. godine. >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>