News 11/04/2017 The Red Cross of Serbia marked the World health Day, 7 April with a conference entitled “Depression: let’s talk” The conference “Depression: let’s talk” was the Red Cross of Serbia’s main activity related to the World Health Day 2017. >> 06/04/2017 World Health Day This year’s topic of the World Health Day is depression and the slogan for the year is “Depression: let’s talk”. >> 06/04/2017 Intergenerational debate at the Spring Health Festival in Belgrade On 5 April the Red Cross of Serbia organised an intergenerational debate in the Belgrade Youth Centre, as part of the Spring Health Festival… >> 04/04/2017 Intergenerational Debate at the Spring Health Festival In addition, the Red Cross of Serbia will be organising an intergenerational debate entitled “Serbia, Society for all generations” on 5 Apri… >> 04/04/2017 Festival of children's theater The Festival of children's theater, which for the fourth time organized by the Red Cross of Serbia is opening today. >> 30/03/2017 Jačanje lokalne zajednice – prevencija – priprema za nesreće Crveni krst Srbije organizuje takmičenje 300 učenika trećeg razreda u 10 sredina u Srbiji od 29. marta do 9. aprila 2017. godine. >> 30/03/2017 Volunteering in the Red Cross: Activities supporting socially vulnerable people Vesna Milenović, Secretary General of the Red Cross of Serbia participated in the third meeting of the Standing Conference of Towns and Muni… >> 27/03/2017 3K života U okviru projekta “3K života” od 24 - 26. marta 2017. organizovana je obuka SIM TIM iz oblasti dobrovoljnog davalaštva krvi za mlade volon… >> 23/03/2017 Svetski dan borbe protiv tuberkuloze 2017. Svetski dan borbe protiv tuberkuloze se obeležava svake godine 24. marta. >> 07/03/2017 Završena zimska kampanja DDK Prikupljeno više od 3.000 jedinica krvi. >> 28/02/2017 Portraits Exhibition by Zahra SayediHoseini of Afghanistan An art exhibition featuring portraits drawn by a sixteen year old Afghan girl Zahra SayediHoseiniwas opened on Saturday, 25 February 2017 at… >> 06/02/2017 141 godina Crvenog krsta Srbije U ponedeljak 6. februara 2017. godine u 13 časova Crveni krst Srbije obeležio je 141 godina postojanja i rada u našoj zemlji. >> 28/01/2017 Crveni krst Srbije na sportskom terenu Aktivnostima Crvenog krsta Srbije, ovogodišnji XVII MEĐUNARODNI MINI BASKET FESTIVAL “RAJKO ŽIŽIĆ“ koji organizuje Košarkaški Savez Srbi… >> 25/01/2017 Older people in rural areas – blog post Depopulation of rural areas has made the living conditions for older people in these areas worse across the globe, and that includes Serbia.… >> 24/01/2017 Older people in rural areas – blog post Blog post about older people in rural areas is a short summary of the research study the Red Cross of Serbia and the Commissioner for Protec… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>