News 24/01/2017 Older people in rural areas – blog post Blog post about older people in rural areas is a short summary of the research study the Red Cross of Serbia and the Commissioner for Protec… >> 11/01/2017 Zaposleni u Crvenom krstu dali krv Deveta Zimska kampanja dobrovoljnog davanja krvi biće realizovana od 4. januara do 3. marta 2017.godine u preko 50 sredina u Srbiji u sarad… >> 10/01/2017 Visit to Albanian Association of Geriatry and Gerontology >> 02/01/2017 Položaj starijih osoba na selu Crveni krst Srbije i Poverenica za zaštitu ravnopravnosti u ponedeljak 26. decembra 2016. godine održali su konferenciju za medije povodom i… >> 23/12/2016 Older People in Rural Areas “Older People in Rural Areas” is a publication containing the results of a research study done by the Red Cross of Serbia in cooperation wit… >> 23/12/2016 Social Inclusion of Older People Newsletter The third issue of the TASIOP newsletter covers the development in the regional project dedicated to social inclusion of older people financ… >> 21/12/2016 Pomoć Nemačkog Crvenog krsta Predstavnica Nemačkog Crvenog krsta iz Odeljenja za Evropu,gospođa Mechthild Richert nalazi se u poseti Crvenom krstu Srbije. >> 20/12/2016 Psychosocial support in emergencies During November and December seven training seminars focusing on psychosocial support in emergencies were organised. >> 19/12/2016 Uručena priznanja instituta za transfuziju krvi Srbije U Skupštini grada Beograda 16. decembra 2016. godine Institut za transfuziju krvi Srbije okupio je svoje saradnike na polju motivacije građa… >> 07/12/2016 Радионица о међународном хуманитарном праву Црвени крст Србије 8. и 9. децембра 2016. године, организује семинар / радионицу о међународном хуманитарном праву са циљем да подстакне и… >> 06/12/2016 Univerzalni sastanak za Međunarodno humanitarno pravo Univerzalni sastanak Nacionalnih komisija za Međunarodno humanitarno pravo >> 06/12/2016 Međunarodni dan volontera - Globalni aplauz Црвени крст Србије обележава Међународни дан волонтера >> 06/12/2016 Evidence based advocacy Last weekend members of HumanaS network participated in training focusing on evidence based advocacy. >> 21/11/2016 Sexual and gender based violence training for professionals and volunteers On 16 and 17 November in Belgrade a training seminar was organised focusing on sexual and gender based violence. >> 16/11/2016 Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People: Monitoring visit to Montenegro The second in the series of these visits was organised last week, on 16 November when the representatives of the coordination team visited t… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>