News 01/11/2018 Narodne kuhinje – mesto gde se deli toplina U sedištu Crvenog krsta Srbije juče, 31.10. 2018. je svečano objavljeno doniranje Koka kole u korist Crvenog krsta Srbije, za Program narod… >> 30/10/2018 Seminar iz oblasti menadžmenta u davalaštvu krvi U periodu od 24. do 25. oktobra 2018. godine održan je seminar iz oblasti menadžmenta u davalaštvu krvi u Crvenom krstu Srbije koji je reali… >> 25/10/2018 Peer visit of partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Serbia Between 17 and 19 October the Red Cross of Serbia and HumanaS Network hosted a visit of partners on Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Old… >> 24/10/2018 Crveni krst Srbije na Međunarodnom sajmu knjiga u Beogradu Crveni krst Srbije učestvuje je na 63. Međunarodnom sajmu knjiga koji se odžava od 21. do 28. oktobra u Beogradu. >> 19/10/2018 Obeležen Evropski dan borbe protiv trgovine ljudima Evropska Komisija je 2007. godine proglasila 18. oktobar za Dan borbe protiv trgovine ljudima. >> 19/10/2018 Long-term care – an article in the sixth issue of MONS magazine The platform for monitoring of social situation in Serbia (MONS), established by Foundation for Development of Economy Science and SeConS, d… >> 18/10/2018 Susreti i daljine Izbeglice koje je zimi grejao prsluk ljubavlju ukrašen na Islandu davno ne stanuju više u kolektivnom centru u centru Karlovca. Otišli su sv… >> 17/10/2018 Ne dozvoli da te prevare – INFORMIŠI SEBE I DRUGE Crveni krst Srbije obeležava 18. oktobar – Evropski dan borbe protiv trgovine ljudima. >> 15/10/2018 Workshops in Kragujevac: human rights and citizens activism of older people Between 2 and 4 October in Kragujevac three education workshops were organised for older people, focusing on human rights and citizens’ acti… >> 11/10/2018 A delegation of older people visiting the Minister responsible for demographics and ageing In the framework of marking this year’s, 28th in the row, International Day of Older Persons a delegation of older people, supported by the… >> 11/10/2018 Sastanak mreže nacionalnih društava Crvenog krsta Evrope koja sprovode aktivnosti borbe protiv trgovine ljudima U periodu od 9. do 11. oktobra u Londonu se održava redovni godišnji sastanak Mreže Nacionalnih društava Crvenog krsta Evrope koja sprovode… >> 09/10/2018 Participation of older female volunteer of the Red Cross of Serbia in marking of the International Day of Older Persons, UN, New York Older female volunteer of the Red Cross of Serbia, Miroslava Matic was invited by the United Nations and UN NGO Committee on Ageing of in Ne… >> 08/10/2018 Obuka mladih za rad u oblasti dobrovoljnog davalaštva krvi - “Poveži se i ti” U periodu od 3-5. oktobra 2018, 47 mladih volontera iz 20 organizacija Crvenog krsta iz Beograda i centralne Srbije obučeno je za rad u obla… >> 02/10/2018 International Day of Older Persons: Opening of the photo exhibition „We Are the Champions“ 1 October, International Day of Older Persons was marked this year by opening a photo exhibition in the pedestrian zone of Belgrade entitled… >> 28/09/2018 Public lesson in intergenerational solidarity At these intergenerational workshops called “Meeting of the generations”, designed to bring together younger and older generations and to de… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>