News 19/02/2019 CBHFA Hygiene Promotion On Thursday 14 February 2019 a workshop was organized for volunteers and staff active in providing psychosocial support to migrants in Sid,… >> 11/02/2019 DRINKING WATER The water pipeline failure caused problems with the dipping of drinking water in Uzice. >> 11/02/2019 Is the world ready to face a nuclear war? Geneva (ICRC-IFRC) – Seventy-four years after nuclear weapons obliterated the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the risk that nucle… >> 07/02/2019 Obeležena 143. godišnjica rada Crvenog krsta Srbije Crveni krst Srbije je 6. februara 2019. godine obeležio 143. godinu svog postojanja i rada u Svečanoj sali Crvenog krsta Srbije uz prisustvo… >> 05/02/2019 143 godine Crvenog krsta Srbije Na incijativu dr Vladana Đorđevića 6. februara 1876. godine osnovano je u Beogradu Srpsko Društvo Crvenog krsta. Prvi predsednik bio je mitr… >> 05/02/2019 Workshop for journalists: “Reporting on older persons” At the Red Cross of Serbia premises on 31 January 2019 a workshop for journalists was organised, entitled “Reporting on older persons”. The… >> 04/02/2019 Final conference of the “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People” project in Albania More than 80 participants took part on 29 January 2019 in Tirana at the final conference of the “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older… >> 01/02/2019 Final conference of the “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People” project in Macedonia After the three-year implementation of the “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People” (TASIOP) project in Macedonia, between 25 and… >> 29/01/2019 Lecture on social inclusion of older people as part of the „Motivate Yourself“ Conference At the Centre for Culture and Education Rakovica, Belgrade, on 28 January 2019 a conference was organised entitled “Motivate Yourself”, as a… >> 28/01/2019 Workshops “Human rights of older people and activism” in Zvezdara municipality Volunteer Service of Zvezdara, a HumanaS Network friend, in cooperation with the Red Cross of Serbia organised a series of workshops for old… >> 27/01/2019 First focus group interview in the “Intergenerational Exchange” project As part of the research entitled “Intergenerational Exchange” that the Red Cross of Serbia is conducting with support of the Office of the M… >> 25/01/2019 Final “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People” project conference in Montenegro In Podgorica, on 17 and 18 January a final national conference of the “Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People” (TASIOP) project w… >> 25/01/2019 Evakuacija stanovništva iz Jasenovika Jutros su zbog prevrtanja železničkih cisterni sa amonijakom evakuisani žitelji sela Jasenovik u okolini Niša. >> 23/01/2019 XIII European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week As part of the marking of the European Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, a lecture for secondary school students and Red Cross of Serbia volu… >> 21/01/2019 Radionice prevencije trgovine ljudima tokom XIX Međunarodnog mini basket festivala Crveni krst Srbije je, uz podršku Unitas fonda, učinio da osim takmičarskog, ovogodišnji XIX Međunarodni mini basket festival „Rajko Žižić“… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>