News 09/06/2018 Međuregionalno takmičenje ekipa Crvenog krsta Danas u Beogradu, na donjem Kalemegdanu, Crveni krst Srbije organizovao je međuregionalno takmičenje ekipa Crvenog krsta u pružanju prve pom… >> 08/06/2018 Međuregionalno takmičenje ekipa Crvenog krsta u prvoj pomoći i realističkom prikazu povreda i stanja U subotu, 9 juna u Beogradu, na donjem Kalemegdanu, u 10 časova Crveni krst Srbije organizuje međuregionalno takmičenje ekipa Crvenog krsta… >> 06/06/2018 DONACIJA KOREJSKE KOMPANIJE GALERIJA AM Ambasador Republike Koreje, Nj. E. gospodin Dae Jong Yoo, uručio je danas Crvenom krstu Srbije donaciju korejske kompanije Gallery AM. U ime… >> 06/06/2018 Between the rain and the sun Over the road of oil fields and grown corn, 15 kilometers from Kikinda, closer to Banat Topola, a migrant center spreading 106 Afghans, Ira… >> 05/06/2018 Days are passing… The reception center for migrants in Subotica, only a few kilometers from the border – but yet so far. This is the daily life of 51 migrant… >> 04/06/2018 Ordinary day Today there are 111 migrants, fourteen families with 48 children and 34 males in the Sombor migration center. >> 02/06/2018 Pictures of everyday life On a hill, four kilometers from the city center, from where is panorama of Pirot is the Migration reception center, where 95 Afghans, I… >> 01/06/2018 DODELA NAGRADA NA KONKURSU KRV ŽIVOT ZNAČI 2018 U četvrtak, 31. maja 2018. godine su u Crvenom krstu Srbije svečano uručene nagrade pobednicima ovogodišnjeg konkursa “Krv život znači”. >> 31/05/2018 Second session of the Republic of Serbia Government’s Council on Ageing Second regular session of the Republic of Serbia Government’s Council on Ageing was held on Tuesday 30 May 2018 in The Palace of Serbia. >> 29/05/2018 DODELA NAGRADA NA KONKURSU CRVENOG KRSTA SRBIJE „KRV ŽIVOT ZNAČI“ Crveni krst Srbije svečano dodeljuje nagrade na konkursu „Krv život znači“u četvrtak, 31. maja 2018. godine u 12:00 časova u Svečanoj sali n… >> 29/05/2018 Session of the Republic of Serbia Government’s Council for Improving Intergenerational Cooperation and Solidarity The Republic of Serbia Government’s Council for Improving Intergenerational Cooperation and Solidarity had its second session on 21 May 2018… >> 25/05/2018 Visit of the President of International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) to the Republic of Serbia The President of International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), Ms. Susan Somers visited Serbia between 16 and 25 May 2018. >> 21/05/2018 Red Cross at the Museum Night Red Cross of Serbia and Red Cross of Belgrade took part in the Museum Night for the first time. >> 16/05/2018 Potpisan Sporazum o saradnji sa Crvenim krstom Ministar za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja Zoran Đorđević potpisao je Sporazum o saradnji za 2018. godinu u vrednosti od bl… >> 10/05/2018 Psychosocial support in emergencies On Monday 14 May 2018, staring at noon in the Belgrade media Centre, the Red Cross of Serbia will organise a press conference to present thr… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>