News 01/06/2018 DODELA NAGRADA NA KONKURSU KRV ŽIVOT ZNAČI 2018 U četvrtak, 31. maja 2018. godine su u Crvenom krstu Srbije svečano uručene nagrade pobednicima ovogodišnjeg konkursa “Krv život znači”. >> 31/05/2018 Second session of the Republic of Serbia Government’s Council on Ageing Second regular session of the Republic of Serbia Government’s Council on Ageing was held on Tuesday 30 May 2018 in The Palace of Serbia. >> 29/05/2018 DODELA NAGRADA NA KONKURSU CRVENOG KRSTA SRBIJE „KRV ŽIVOT ZNAČI“ Crveni krst Srbije svečano dodeljuje nagrade na konkursu „Krv život znači“u četvrtak, 31. maja 2018. godine u 12:00 časova u Svečanoj sali n… >> 29/05/2018 Session of the Republic of Serbia Government’s Council for Improving Intergenerational Cooperation and Solidarity The Republic of Serbia Government’s Council for Improving Intergenerational Cooperation and Solidarity had its second session on 21 May 2018… >> 25/05/2018 Visit of the President of International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) to the Republic of Serbia The President of International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), Ms. Susan Somers visited Serbia between 16 and 25 May 2018. >> 21/05/2018 Red Cross at the Museum Night Red Cross of Serbia and Red Cross of Belgrade took part in the Museum Night for the first time. >> 16/05/2018 Potpisan Sporazum o saradnji sa Crvenim krstom Ministar za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pitanja Zoran Đorđević potpisao je Sporazum o saradnji za 2018. godinu u vrednosti od bl… >> 10/05/2018 Psychosocial support in emergencies On Monday 14 May 2018, staring at noon in the Belgrade media Centre, the Red Cross of Serbia will organise a press conference to present thr… >> 08/05/2018 World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day - Joint statement World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day - Joint statement >> 07/05/2018 Svetski Dan Crvenog krsta - „Podeli ono što te čini srećnim“ I ove godine Crveni krst Srbije obeležava 8. maj – Svetski Dan Crvenog krsta pod sloganom Međunarodne federacija društava Crvenog krsta i C… >> 07/05/2018 Reportaža o vežbi Viking 18 Reportaža o vežbi Viking 18 u emisiji “Dozvolite da se obratimo”. >> 02/05/2018 X Evropska regionalna konferencija Tokom 10. Evropske regionalne konferencije, koja se održava u Almatiju, Kazahstan, Crveni krst Srbije je učestvovao u radionici “Pozicionira… >> 02/05/2018 10. EVROPSKA REGIONALNA KONFERENCIJA U ALMATIJU – KAZAHSTAN 10. evropska regionalna konferencija počela je danas sa radom u Almatiju, Kazahstan. Redovno, statutarno zasedanje nacionalnih društava Evro… >> 01/05/2018 10. EVROPSKA KONFERENCIJA U ALMATIJU Danas je u Almatiju, Kazahstan, održana radionica predstavnika evropskih i centralnoazijskih nacionalnih društava Crvenog krsta i Crvenog po… >> 27/04/2018 AT OURS - THE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF HUMANITARIAN PHOTOGRAPHY The Red Cross Nis was a host to the International school of humanitarian photography in emergencies in Divljana (Nis) in the period 19 – 22… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>