News 13/12/2018 Projekat “3K života” Povodom zatvaranja dvogodišnjeg projekta “3K života” koji je Crveni krst Srbije sprovodio uz pomoć Austrijskog Crvenog krsta u oblasti dobr… >> 10/12/2018 Psychological first aid and Psychosocial support in Complex Emergencies – Training for Trainers In the Red Cross of Serbia headquarters, between 7 and 9 December 2018, a regional training workshop was organised. >> 06/12/2018 Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support in Complex Emergencies As part of the Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support in Complex Emergencies project, the Red Cross Serbia will between 7 and 9 De… >> 06/12/2018 Marking the International Volunteer Day and the Human Rights Week At the EU Info Centre premises in Belgrade, a panel discussion entitled Champions of volunteering and Human Rights was organised by the Red… >> 05/12/2018 Tribina „Međunarodno humanitarno pravo - Savremeni izazovi“ Prof. dr Dragan Radovanović, predsednik Crvenog krsta Srbije otvorio je tribinu „Međunarodno humanitarno pravo - Savremeni izazovi“, koju je… >> 03/12/2018 5. decembar – Međunarodni dan volontera Crveni krst Srbije i ove godine obeležava 5. decembar - Međunarodni dan volontera, pod sloganom „Volonteri grade otporne zajednice“, te se… >> 03/12/2018 Champions of volunteering and Human Rights, 5 December, International Volunteer Day To mark the International Volunteer Day and 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Red Cross of Serbia will in p… >> 30/11/2018 Svetski AIDS dan – 1. decembar Svetski AIDS dan okuplja ljude širom sveta sa ciljem usmeravanja pažnje na HIV pandemiju. Ovogodišnja kampanja u Republici Srbiji se realizu… >> 23/11/2018 CRVENI KRST SRBIJE NA SAJMU SPORTA Od danas do 25. novembra 2018. godine Crveni krst Srbije učestvuje na sajmu sporta u Beogradu koji organizuju Ministarstvo omladine i sporta… >> 19/11/2018 Jedan obrok dnevno U narodnoj kuhinji Crvenog krsta Kovina pet dana u nedelji 440 socijalno ugroženih građana dobija pola litra kuvanog obroka i pola vekne hl… >> 16/11/2018 Human Rights and Older People – Expert Conference in Vienna Following the invitation of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, the Red Cross of Serbia represen… >> 15/11/2018 Communication workshop for HumanaS Network members On Friday 9 November at the Red Cross of Serbia premises, an educational workshop was organised for the HumanaS Network members was organise… >> 15/11/2018 Sastanak Instituta za transfuziju krvi Srbije i Crvenog krsta Srbije U utorak, 13.11.2018. u Crvenom krstu Srbije održan je redovni sastanak Instituta za transfuziju krvi Srbije i Crvenog krsta u Srbiji koji s… >> 14/11/2018 Imena važnija od ljudi Gordana je sa roditeljima stigla do Sremskih Karlovaca sredinom devedesetih. Negovala je oca i majku do njihove prerane smrti, a onda ostal… >> 14/11/2018 Names more important than people Gordana reached Sremski Karlovci in the middle of the nineties. >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>