News 04/03/2020 World Hearing Day March 3rd 2020 The Red Cross of Serbia and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse recognize World Hearing Day and call for increased a… >> 04/03/2020 Young persons and prevention of elder abuse targeting older women The Red Cross of Serbia continues with the implementation of the “Empowerment of older women: preventing violence by challenging social norm… >> 27/02/2020 From the silkworm to the dinosaur It is just past mid-February, and today is the day of the distribution of Wai Wai noodles, donated by the CG Foods Europe company from Ruma,… >> 25/02/2020 Prevention of violence targeting older women In the framework of the project Empowerment of older women: preventing violence by challenging social norms in Serbia and Austria (EmPreV) a… >> 14/02/2020 Donation of the LIDL Company Representatives of the company LIDL Serbia have donated all the necessary equipment for the soup kitchen of the Red Cross in Gornji Milanova… >> 10/02/2020 Opening of the photo exhibition “Life-saving healthcare for people on the move in the Balkans” in Subotica After Geneva, Belgrade and Sombor the photo exhibition “Life-saving healthcare for people on the move in the Balkans” was opened on Tuesday,… >> 05/02/2020 Lecture „Elder Abuse“ in Subotica At the Red Cross of Subotica premises on 3. February a lecture on Elder Abuse was organised. >> 03/02/2020 Opening of the photo exhibition „“Life-saving healthcare for people on the move in the Balkans” Photo-exhibition “Life-saving healthcare for people on the move in the Balkans” was opened on Wednesday 29 January 2020 in Sombor. >> 08/01/2020 A Nepalese company helps the Red Cross of Serbia The Red Cross of Serbia begins the new year in cooperation with the CG Foods Europe Company from Ruma, with a donation of Wai Wai noodles. >> 20/12/2019 Opening of the exhibition “Life-saving healthcare for people on the move in the Balkans” The Red Cross of Serbia marked the international Migrants Day, 18 December by opening a photo exhibition “Life-saving healthcare for people… >> 19/12/2019 Years go by, as love endures Nikola Krstic from Paracin, a boy with worries that are fit for an adult, was over almost 20 years ago one of those 18,000 children whom the… >> 18/12/2019 Life-saving healthcare for people on the move in the Balkans The Red Cross of Serbia is inviting you to jointly mark the International Migrants Day on 18 December to the Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, Stu… >> 16/12/2019 Presentation of research results „Ageing and Digital Inclusion“ The Red Cross of Serbia and the Institute of Social Sciences on 11 December in the Belgrade Media Centre presented the results of a research… >> 04/12/2019 Empowerment of older women: preventing violence by challenging social norms in Serbia and Austria (EmPreV) With a growing population of older people globally, elder abuse is expected to become an even more pressing problem that will affect million… >> 08/11/2019 Conference „INTERGENERATIONAL SOLIDARITY BETWEEN THE FAMILY AND THE STATE” On Thursday, 7 November 2019 at the Red Cross of Serbia premises, a Conference “Intergenerational solidarity between the family and the stat… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 >>