News 25/08/2018 Hungarian Red Cross Visit to the Red Cross of Serbia On Thursday 24 August the representatives of Hungarian Red Cross visited the Red Cross of Subotica. The objective of the visit was getting t… >> 23/08/2018 Psychosocial support to migrants In order to support the migrants in preserving their mental health, the Red Cross of Serbia provides psychosocial support services in six mi… >> 23/08/2018 Monitoring visit to Philanthropy and Viktorija, Kragujevac On Wednesday 22 August a monitoring visit was organised to the civil society organisations in Kragujevac implementing the microprojects with… >> 20/08/2018 Education Workshop for older people from Velika Plana and Kovin municipalities Older volunteers of the Red Cross of Kovin as well as members of self-help groups for older people have on Thursday, 16 August visited older… >> 14/08/2018 Monitoring visit to InkluzivaM Network During the three day workshop the network members worked on creating strategic plan for advocating the development of missing services for o… >> 04/08/2018 Pomoć Crvenog krsta za Žagubicu Crveni krst Srbije upućuje danas, 4. avgusta 2018. godine pomoć ukupne težine 5.500 kilograma za stanovništvo koje je postradalo od obiln… >> 02/08/2018 Међународнa обука за едукаторе у превенцији и одговору на изазове трговине људима >> 27/07/2018 Ne dozvoli da te prevare i iskoriste - INFORMIŠI SEBE I DRUGE Povodom obeležavanja Svetskog dana borbe protiv trgovine ljudima. >> 26/07/2018 AKTIVNOSTI ZA POMOĆ POSTRADALIMA U POŽARIMA U GRČKOJ Crveni krst Srbije je tokom jučerašnjeg dana otvorio namenski dinarski račun za prikupljanje novčanih donacija za pomoć postradalom stanovni… >> 25/07/2018 Pomoć Crvenog krsta za Sjenicu Crveni krst Srbije upućuje danas, 25. jula 2018. godine pomoć za stanovništvo koje je postradalo od obilnih kiša i olujnog vetra na terit… >> 25/07/2018 POMOĆ POSTRADALIMA U GRČKOJ Crveni krst Srbije otvorio je namenski dinarski račun za prikupljanje sredstava pomoći ugroženom stanovništvu Grčke. Broj računa je 205-328… >> 23/07/2018 LETO NA MORU Dečije odmaralište Crvenog krsta Srbije „Krista Đorđević“ posetio je Zoran Đorđević, ministar za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i socijalna pit… >> 19/07/2018 Visit of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies representatives to the Red Cross of Serbia On Wednesday 18 July the Red Cross of Serbia was visited by Dr Emanuele Capobianco, Head of Health, IFRC Geneva, Dr Davron Mukhamadiev, Regi… >> 17/07/2018 Edukativna zona „OPENS State of EXIT“ U okviru edukativne zone „OPENS State of EXIT“ tokom 18. po redu EXIT festivala održanog od 12. do 15. jula 2018. na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđ… >> 16/07/2018 Međunarodni kamp mladih “ Atlantis XIV” U periodu od 8. do 15. jula 2018. godine u Malagi. Španija, Centar za saradnju u Mediteranu je organizovao međunarodni kamp mladih “ Atlanti… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>