News 25/09/2020 Expert meeting in the project Prevention of Elder Abuse Targeting Older Women (EmPreV) As part of the project Prevention of Elder Abuse Targeting Older Women (EmPreV) on Wednesday 23 September an expert meeting was organised si… >> 16/09/2020 Prevention of Elder Abuse Targeting Older Women (EmPreV): Focus groups with women in Pirot Within the framework of the “Empowerment of older women: preventing violence by challenging social norms in Serbia and Austria (EmPreV)” pro… >> 04/09/2020 Donacija Republike Bugarske Crvenom krstu Srbije Crveni krst Srbije je u petak, 4.septembra 2020. godine u Dimitrovgradu primio humanitarnu pomoć od Ambasade Republike Bugarske. >> 03/09/2020 Pomoć Crvenom krstu Srbije Crveni krst Srbije će u petak, 4.septembra 2020. godine u Dimitrovgradu primiti humanitarnu pomoć od Ambasade Republike Bugarske. Ceremonija… >> 02/09/2020 Besplatna obuka iz pružanja prve pomoći za roditelje Crveni Krst Beograd će 07.09.2020. godine u 18 časova realizovati besplatno online predavanje prve pomoći koje je posebno osmišljeno za rodi… >> 31/08/2020 Godišnjica smrti dr Vladana Đorđevića Predsednik Srpskog lekarkog društva akademik Radoje Čolivić podsetio je prisutne na životni put i delo osnivača Crvenog krsta Srbije, Srpsko… >> 24/06/2020 Social Inclusion of Migrants: Research of attitudes towards migrants and recommendations for reducing discrimination On Tuesday 23 June in the Belgrade Media centre a press conference was organised to present the results of the research “Social Inclusion of… >> 22/06/2020 Prevention of Elder Abuse Targeting Older Women (EmPreV) Within the framework of the “Empowerment of older women: preventing violence by challenging social norms in Serbia and Austria (EmPreV)” pr… >> 12/06/2020 Research study „Monitoring risk factors for informal caregivers in the republic of Serbia” presented in the Sustainable Development Yard in Bogatic On Wednesday 10 June in Bogatic, a conference in Bogatic was organised to present the results of the research study „Monitoring risk factors… >> 01/06/2020 Psychosocial support of the Red Cross of Serbia The Red Cross of Serbia as a part of its regular activities is announcing the start of delivery of online psychosocial support service for p… >> 29/05/2020 Donation of Beiersdorf Company to support older persons during COVID-19 Epidemic Since the coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic put older persons in Serbia in an especially difficult position – due to higher risk of falling ill… >> 11/05/2020 Volunteers in action In the period from March 17 to May 10, 2020, volunteers and persons professionally employed by the Red Cross in the Republic of Serbia, on t… >> 27/04/2020 WRITING CONTEST „LIFE IN THE AGE OF CORONA: HOW WERE YOU SPENDING YOUR TIME IN ISOLATION?“ This contest is a creative way to, through prose or poetry describe how you organised your days in isolation, what activities you did, what… >> 19/04/2020 Guidelines for care homes for older people in the context of Coronavirus (COVID-19) These guidelines have been informed by experience in China, Korea and Japan. This document provides guidelines and advice for care homes for… >> 13/04/2020 Commissioner for Protection of Equality volunteering for the Red Cross One of the volunteers is Brankica Jankovic, Commissioner for Protection of Equality, volunteering each Friday between 12 and 15 on the Red C… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>