News 21/12/2016 Pomoć Nemačkog Crvenog krsta Predstavnica Nemačkog Crvenog krsta iz Odeljenja za Evropu,gospođa Mechthild Richert nalazi se u poseti Crvenom krstu Srbije. >> 20/12/2016 Psychosocial support in emergencies During November and December seven training seminars focusing on psychosocial support in emergencies were organised. >> 19/12/2016 Uručena priznanja instituta za transfuziju krvi Srbije U Skupštini grada Beograda 16. decembra 2016. godine Institut za transfuziju krvi Srbije okupio je svoje saradnike na polju motivacije građa… >> 07/12/2016 Радионица о међународном хуманитарном праву Црвени крст Србије 8. и 9. децембра 2016. године, организује семинар / радионицу о међународном хуманитарном праву са циљем да подстакне и… >> 06/12/2016 Univerzalni sastanak za Međunarodno humanitarno pravo Univerzalni sastanak Nacionalnih komisija za Međunarodno humanitarno pravo >> 06/12/2016 Međunarodni dan volontera - Globalni aplauz Црвени крст Србије обележава Међународни дан волонтера >> 06/12/2016 Evidence based advocacy Last weekend members of HumanaS network participated in training focusing on evidence based advocacy. >> 21/11/2016 Sexual and gender based violence training for professionals and volunteers On 16 and 17 November in Belgrade a training seminar was organised focusing on sexual and gender based violence. >> 16/11/2016 Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People: Monitoring visit to Montenegro The second in the series of these visits was organised last week, on 16 November when the representatives of the coordination team visited t… >> 25/10/2016 The Red Cross of Serbia at the 61 International Belgrade Book Fair On the 24 October the Red Cross of Serbia took part in two panel discussions organised at the stand of the Serbian Ministry of Labour, emplo… >> 13/10/2016 University students practical learning On Wednesday 12 October a group of students of the Faculty for Media and Communications of the Singidunum University, psychology and social… >> 13/10/2016 Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People: Newsletter no. 2 The Red Cross of Serbia presents the second issue of the Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People project newsletter funded by Eur… >> 04/10/2016 Međunarodni dan starijih osoba – 1. oktobar Povodom 1. oktobra, Međunarodnog dana starijih osoba, danas je delegacija starijih posetila Ministarstvo za rad, zapošljavanje, boračka i so… >> 01/10/2016 Međunarodni dan starijih osoba Savremeno društvo karakteriše demografsko starenje, procene su da će se broj starijih u periodu od 2000. godine do 2050 udvostručiti i sa 60… >> 30/09/2016 Taking Action for Social Inclusion of Older People: Study visit to Slovenia A study visit of project partners to Slovenia was organised within the Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People project. >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>