News 18/07/2017 Odžaci – pomoć ugroženom stanovništvu Crveni krst Srbije upućuje sutra, 19. jula 2017. godine pomoć stanovništvu pogođenom prošlonedeljnim nevremenom. >> 12/07/2017 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OLDER PEOPLE DURING SUMMER HEATWAVE It is recommended that during the heatwave older people should stay out of the sun at least between 10 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon… >> 07/07/2017 New Law on Social Protection in preparation in Serbia On 29 June the Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia organised a round table discussion entitled “Challenges in providing support… >> 04/07/2017 “Writing Successful Proposals for European Union Projects” – workshop in Sarajevo The title of the workshop was “Writing Successful Proposals for European Union Projects” and it featured participation of the civil society… >> 01/07/2017 SEMINAR CRVENOG KRSTA SRBIJE Održana obuka za volontere i profesionalce Crvenog krsta, koji u svom radu mogu doći u kontakt sa žrtvom trgovine ljudima. >> 28/06/2017 Entitled to the Same Rights Entitled to the Same Rights is the name of the report in which older women from 19 countries speak about their rights to non-discrimination… >> 26/06/2017 ODRŽANA VEŽBA SPASAVANJA NA VODI NA RECI IBAR Predstavnici Crvenog krsta Srbije su obučavali učesnike vežbe u spasilačkim veštinama oslobađanja od davljeničkog hvata, dok su instruktori… >> 23/06/2017 Partners meeting, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina On Sunday 18 June and Monday 19 June in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, a partners meeting was organised for the organisations participati… >> 22/06/2017 Znaci koji nas štite Znak Crvenog krsta ili Crvenog polumeseca ili Crvenog kristala, ima izuzetno važno mesto u međunarodnom humanitarnom pravu. >> 19/06/2017 UNITED NATIONS: MARKING OF THE 15 JUNE, WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS DAY The topic of this year’s event related to marking the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was “Understand and End Financial Abuse of Older Peopl… >> 16/06/2017 Poseta centrima za migrante Predstavnici MFCK obišli su tranzitno – prihvatne centre za migrante u Somboru, Pirotu i Kikindi. >> 15/06/2017 OBELEŽEN SVETSKI DAN DOBROVOLJNIH DAVALACA KRVI U sredu, 14. juna 2017. godine, na Svetski dan dobrovoljnih davalaca krvi, u Crvenom krstu Srbije organizovano je uručenje priznanja za naju… >> 15/06/2017 Conference „Elder abuse –how to proceed, how to prevent it?“, Serbia To mark the 15 June, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day the Red Cross of Serbia and the Commissioner for Protection of Equality organised a con… >> 14/06/2017 OBELEŽAVANJE 15. JUNA, MEĐUNARODNOG DANA BORBE PROTIV NASILJA NAD STARIJIM OSOBAMA Povodom 15. juna Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv nasilja nad starijima Crveni krst Srbije i Poverenica za zaštitu ravnopravnosti organizuju k… >> 12/06/2017 TAKING ACTION ON SOCIAL INCLUSION OF OLDER PEOPLE (TASIOP) PROJECT NEWSLETTER NO. 5 We present the fifth issue of the TASIOP newsletter covering the development in the regional project dedicated to social inclusion of older… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>