News 08/06/2019 ODRŽANA MEĐUREGIONALNA TAKMIČENJA CRVENOG KRSTA U PRUŽANJU PRVE POMOĆI I REALISTIČKOM PRIKAZU POVREDA, STANJA I OBOLJENJA Uspešno su realizovana međuregionalna takmičenja u pružanju prve pomoći i realističkom prikazu povreda, stanja i oboljenja u Mionici I Meroš… >> 06/06/2019 Pomoć Crvenog krsta poplavljenima Crveni krst Srbije upućuje danas, 6. juna 2019. godine pomoć za stanovništvo pogođeno poplavama na području Kraljeva, Lučana, Gornjeg Milan… >> 04/06/2019 BUDI DEO KOŠARKAŠKOG SPEKTAKLA - PRIJAVI SE! Ovog leta, volontiraj na Evropskom prvenstvu za žene u Zrenjaninu, Nišu i Beogradu. >> 03/06/2019 Pomoć poplavljenima Crveni krst Srbije upućuje sutra, 4. juna 2019. godine, pomoć za stanovništvo pogođenom poplavama na teritorijama opština Kraljevo, Lučani… >> 22/05/2019 TASIOP project Evaluation The red Cross of Serbia is asking for bids for evaluation services for the project Taking Action on Social Inclusion of Older People, in lin… >> 20/05/2019 International Day of Families In the Palace of Serbia, marking the International day of Families, on 15 May a panel discussion was organised entitled “Ageing and Intergen… >> 20/05/2019 NOĆ MUZEJA Crveni krst Srbije i Crveni krst Beograda učestvovali su po drugi put u „Noći muzeja“ koja se organizovala sem u Beogradu u još 40 gradova S… >> 20/05/2019 KEP 3 Project „Improving disaster reduction skills in emergencies and resilience building practices“ The Red Cross of Serbia has for the past three years implementing „Improving disaster reduction skills in emergencies and resilience buildin… >> 17/05/2019 Final Dissemination Meeting of the “Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support in Complex Emergencies” project On Wednesday 24 April 2019 in the Congress Hall of the Red Cross of Serbia a final meeting of the “Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial… >> 16/05/2019 KONKURS ZA NAJBOLJU FOTOGRAFIJU Centar za saradnju nacionalnih društava Crvenog krsta i Crvenog polumeseca zemalja Mediterana objavio je po deseti put Konkurs za najbolju f… >> 09/05/2019 Rođendan Crvenog krsta - 8. maj Centralna manifestacija obeležavanja Svetskog dana Crvenog krsta - 8. maja, održana je na Trgu Nikole Pašića u Beogradu. >> 07/05/2019 Svetski dan Crvenog krsta - „LjUBAV“ U sredu 8. maja 2019. godine u Beogradu na Trgu Nikole Pašića u 12.00 časova je centralni događaj obeležavanja Svetskog dana Crvenog krst… >> 29/04/2019 Easter Holidays in the Red Cross of Sombor On Thursday 25 April 2019 in the Red Cross of Sombor education centre an Easter event was organised that included painting of eggs. >> 22/04/2019 Mental Health of Refugees and Migrants On Thursday 18 April at the Media Centre, Belgrade a public presentation was organised of the results of a research on Mental Health of Refu… >> 16/04/2019 Action Against Ageism Conference In Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 10 and 11 April 2019, a conference was organised entitled “Action Against Ageism”. The conference was a… >> << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>